Manuscript Size
Each manuscript submitted (Full Paper) to the AIUB International Conference on Business and Management (AICBM) 2025 should constitute a significant and original contribution within the conference’s scope. The main content of the submission must be at least 3500 words or 10 pages, following the publisher’s format. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, and the total number of references should be limited to 50.

Manuscript Components
Each manuscript should include the following components in the order specified below:

1. Title Page:
o Title of the paper.
o Names and affiliations of all authors.
o Contact email of the corresponding author.

2. Abstract:
o A concise summary of the research background, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions.
o Limited to 250 words and should avoid the use of citations, mathematical expressions, or first-person language.

3. Keywords:
o Provide 4-6 relevant keywords for indexing purposes.

4. Main Text:
o The text should be formatted in a single column using a 12-point font size.
o Organize the text into clearly defined sections with appropriate headings, numbered as follows:
 Primary heading (e.g., 1. Introduction)
 Secondary heading (e.g., 1.1 Background)
 Tertiary heading (e.g., 1.1.1 Research Gap)

5. Acknowledgements:
o Acknowledge financial support, institutional support, and contributions from individuals not listed as authors.

6. References:
o Use an alphabetical, unnumbered reference list (Follow APA Format)

7. Figures and Tables:
o Include tables and figures within the manuscript, properly labeled and referenced in the text.

8. Formulas:
o Use inline mathematical expressions when possible.

Evaluation Criteria
Manuscripts will be reviewed through a blind peer-review process based on the following criteria:
1. Originality and novelty of the research.
2. Relevance to the conference themes and tracks.
3. Theoretical and practical significance.
4. Quality of research design and methodology.
5. Clarity and coherence of presentation.
6. Contribution to the field of business and management.

Authors are allowed to submit manuscripts that are also available as preprints. The PROGRAM CHAIR will evaluate such manuscripts based on their originality and compliance with the conference’s policies.

Plagiarism Policy
Our conference adheres to a strict plagiarism policy, allowing a maximum similarity of 20%. All submissions must be original work. Any content exceeding this threshold will be subject to review and may be rejected. Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their submissions.

Scope and Relevance
Submissions must align with the themes and tracks of AICBM 2025. The AIUB has the authority to reject submissions that fall outside the conference’s scope.



